Flow now has better tools for searching and troubleshooting what happened when a workflow ran.
Previously, when an action was successful, it might have been difficult to tell what the action did in your shop. For example, when updating a metafield value, what metafield value was set? With these improvements, you will now be able to see the data that was provided to the action, enabling you to better understand what happened.
In this example, by clicking “Step data”, you can see that the “Add order tag” action received as input an order id and a “guitar2” tag:
Since tag actions do not return data, the output is null.
The step data for triggers may be especially useful to check to understand data in your workflow. Triggers contain the data that Flow receives from the event (typically an ID) and the data that Flow queries to run the workflow as you designed:
Building on prior improvements for searching workflow runs, you can now search any of the step data as part of Flow’s run search. To begin a search in the Flow app, go to a list of workflow runs and choose “Add filter” and then “Includes text”.
You can search any of the fields available as “step data” in the run details. Please note that you can only search the text and you must omit any punctuation. For example, to search for an order ID, search “124443” and not “gid://shopify/Order/124443”.
For more information visit our help center pages about finding and monitoring workflows. For questions and feedback, visit the Shopify community.