Not all orders are subject to duties and import taxes. Many countries and regions have a minimum order value, called a de minimis, before duties and import taxes apply.

Only pre-tax values are counted toward the de minimis threshold. If your products use tax-inclusive pricing, then the tax portion of the product price isn’t counted towards the de minimis threshold. Order and product discounts are also not counted toward the de minimis threshold.

The following table provides some examples of de minimis values.

Country Duty de minimis value Tax de minimis value
United States 800 USD 800 USD
Canada 20 CAD 20 CAD
Mexico 50 USD 117 USD
Australia 1000 AUD 0 AUD
China 50 CNY 50 CNY
Hong Kong 0 HKD 0 HKD
Ireland 150 EUR 22 EUR
Japan 10,000 JPY 10,000 JPY
Sweden 1,600 SEK 300 SEK
Switzerland 5 CHF 5 CHF

The de minimis is different for each country or region, and some have specific rules that affect the de minimis value depending on where the shipment originates. For example, goods that are shipped into Canada from Mexico or the United States are subject to duties if the goods are valued at $150 CAD or more, and subject to import taxes if the goods are valued at $40 or more.

If you’re not sure what the de minimis value is for the country or region that you ship to, then check the website of that country or region’s tax authority, or consult a local tax expert.